That may sound lame to you, but it is a first for me. I am the grand resolver. I love to resolute. For me, my family. I stop at nothing in my high and mightiness.
So this year, my resolution is to not resolve.
Does that sound lame?
The truth is, I am coming to the realization that I am simply not in control of my life anymore. I am at the complete mercy of my kids and their schedules.
I always thought the busiest time would be when they were little. –And, it was harder then in many ways. But now? I can’t even pick my nose before I realize I’m late for something. Forgot something. Didn’t do something.
Family dinners are all but impossible. Ohhh, I was soooo convinced we would alllllways have family dinners.
Oh, how I judged those who didn’t.
Two, maybe three a week.
So last year’s resolution of Kid’s Cook Mondays was a total bust. A complete failure. And I’m not very good at failure. It’s eaten at me. Dogged my every Monday. But: it’s pretty hard for kids to cook if they are eating at Subway between soccer and youth group. Or jazz band and basketball. Or soccer and soccer. Or eating at 9:30 when they get home. Or 4:30 when they leave. [In case you are wondering, it doesn’t stop me from eating.]
So what should I resolve?
My joke to the family was that we’d be going gluten free for 2012. No one even believed me for a single second.
For, no Menke would make it even one gluten-free day.
Not one.
I did say I wasn’t going to drink any alcohol in January. But it wasn’t a real resolution. More of a guideline.
[…one that I’m really regretting right this very minute as I drink my third thermos of mint tea.]And I did throw around the idea of doing the Bon Appetit Food Lover’s Cleanse. Went online and checked it out. And then realized we are only home to eat dinner those two, maybe three, nights a week, so what’s the point.
Still, it wasn’t a resolution.
So what do I want to change for 2012? You know, assuming I’m not perfect already?
Because, yes, I am perfect already. I’m taking the year off.
This will be hard — even harder than Meatless Mondays.