Happy First Day of Autumn
Happy Boxelder Bug Day
All of the photos here were taken on September 22nd. The first day of Fall for most. Boxelder Bug Day for me.
I hate Boxelder Bugs. They are benign, yes. But their tendency to buzz around and land on anything drives me batty. Their need to cluster into ungodly hordes many layers deep disgusts me. Really. It just totally grosses me out.
They are supposed to be cyclical. As in, “It’s a bad year for Boxelder Bugs.” Presumably then, you might be treated to a few years worth of “they aren’t too bad” years. But no. Not where I live. They are bad every year. The Asian Beetles, too, though they have yet to come out in force.
Every year I say, “It’s a bad year for Boxelder Bugs.” And it’s true. It is.
If having the exterior of the house crawling with live bugs isn’t bad enough, hundreds make it IN to the house every day, with each opening and shutting of the front or back door. There have been days where we have blocked off the front door entirely because it was too covered with bugs to use. But you gotta get in and out of the house somehow. I suspect that many come in all tangled up in my hair. Now there’s a pleasant thought.
As I sat down to write this earlier today, this is what happened: (I apologize for the horrible photos. That bug was moving fast. And, I have a hard time focusing on my stupid black cat)
By the end of the flurry and before I could set the camera down, she had shredded the document. It was all very funny until I realized it was the voting ballot I was suppose to submit.
I don’t really have much more to say on the subject. I just wanted the chance to give you the heebie jeebies like I have.