And Asparagus Stalks All Over the Messy Row.
Mary, Mary would have a hard time with this stage of the garden. Let me illustrate:
9 am:
4 pm:
And finally, at 9 pm, right before I picked it:
And, no, I didn’t touch the ruler all day. Isn’t that amazing? I marvel every year in astonishment.
And then I go running around trying to unload asparagus on everyone I know. I should note that not two hours after my last writing when I finished with…
*now would be a convenient time for all you locals to conveniently stop by to drop off some fictitious object and casually ask for a ‘garden tour.’
…my friend Michelle’s husband showed up with 6 pallets for Charlie’s soon-to-be Airsoft gun war (God help me) and left with about a pound of asparagus. So, call me what you will, but don’t call me a liar.
Here is another astonishing thing I found in the garden last week:
Last September, I re-seeded lettuce with plans for a fall crop. They never germinated. I couldn’t believe that it was because the weather was still too hot, because it was September, and only weeks away from the first frost. I never figured it out.
And then they germinated. Eight months and about 1000″ of snow later. I guess it was too hot. So yeah, I’ll be enjoying some early garden lettuce.
…and not much else, since I haven’t gotten anything else planted yet.
Maybe I can eat toasted woodticks sprinkled on top of my garden lettuce. I seem to have a lot of them hanging around my office.
For some reason, I imagine they would taste a lot like pine nuts. And they’re a lot cheaper, too.